Melancholia I by Albrecht Durer

Melancholia I

One of the four temperaments, she holds the tool of geometry, yet is surrounded by chaos. She thinks, but cannot act, while the infant scrawling on the slate, who symbolizes Practical Knowledge, can act but not think. This is then, the melancholia of an artist. He cannot achieve perfect beauty, which is known only to God, because he cannot extend his thinking beyond the limitations of space and the physical world.

from The History of Art by H.W. Jansen

Friday, November 14, 2014

Study 2: Interpreting the Image

Let's begin this study by attempting to interpret the image. This calls for a close study of the composition -- getting to know it.

Melancholia I (1514) by German Renaissance artist Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) is a large print full of complex symbolism. One of the four bodily humors in medieval thought, melancholy was associated with insanity as well as artistic prowess. In Dürer's work on paper, instruments of geometry, an exacting branch of mathematics in which the artist excelled, surround a downtrodden winged personification of the humor, perhaps a visual reference by the master to his own inability to realize perfection in design.

    Interpretation of this Drawing
    Essay on Melancholia I

In 1514, Albrecht Dürer created an engraving named Melancholia that included a magic square. In the bottom row of his 4 X 4 magic square you can see that he placed the numbers "15" and "14" side by side to reveal the date of his engraving. A magic square is said to be symmetrical if each of those pair of numbers which are symmetrical in the centre point of the square add to half the sum of the numbers in each row, column, and principal diagonal – here 17. The magic square shown in Melancholia is symmetrical. Only four of all the known magic squares are symmetrical -- Dürer's is one of them.

There are two things to note about Dürer's magic square: 
  1. The middle two numbers in the bottom row are the date that this work was done 15 14.
  2. The outer two, 4 and 1 can be thought of as the fourth and first letter of the Latin alphabet, representing the letters D A, Dürer's monogram.

The most important source that Dürer drew upon in composing Melencolia was Cornelius Agrippa of Nettesheim’s De Occulta Philosophia (1509-1510). He was also most likely Dürer's source for the magic square.

The magic square in ‘Melencolia I’ has the additional property that any pair of entries symmetrical to the center add to 17. It is just one of four magic squares with this property and with the numerals 15 and 14 centered on the bottom of the square.

View the video about Dürer's Magic Square

If you draw lines on Durer's Magic Square, beginning with 1, then 2, then 3 and so on, continuing to 16, you end up with a symmetrical pattern.


ASSIGNMENT for the blog:

DIALOG IDEAS for the blog post:
  • What thoughts or insights do you have after reading more about the meanings of the objects? Is there anything you would interpret differently that has not been discussed by any of the authors?
  • Think about what symbolizes you. Look for clues around your room -- sports equipment, musical instruments, books, music, electronics, colors, etc. -- and make a list of eleven things that are a part of you or what you stand for. Post this list in your blog dialog. How could you associate these items with yourself and develop them into meaningful symbols? (Note: Why eleven things and not ten? Read this short article:  Rule of Odds about composing objects in a work of visual art.)
For further help: See Blog Posts Rubric in the sidebar
See Dialog vs. Discussion under RUBRICS in the sidebar

Submit your posts and and respond to one other peer's dialog by the due date. Read the postings and comments of at least three other classmates.
DUE DATE for this assignment: Saturday, January 23 by 10:00 p.m.


  1. I believe that Durer intended to say that to create as near to a perfect depiction of something as possible, every number, every symbol, every object utilized needed to be in its proper arrangement. Perhaps to have his engraving set to where he could find a legitimate reason to put 15 and 14 side by side by side rather than simply being the time at which the engraving was formed,he decided to fuse his mathematical creativity with his artistic ingenuity and incorporated the magic square according to a symmetrical system he had thought of where all numbers resulted in 34. Things in my room that would symbolize my being come as follows:
    1.My Bible-Follower Of Jesus
    2.Dog bed-I enjoy animals, but my dog in particular
    3.My iPod-I constantly search for new trip hop and Christian rap
    4.Jackets-I like times when I can wear my hoodies-keeps me warm
    5.Cross necklace-Christian virtues
    6.Toys-childhood memories
    7.Clock-time is of the essence with me
    8.Chair-I enjoy sitting down and relaxing with a book

    9.Books-Reading is my specialty
    10.Basketball-this is my favorite sport and I've been told I'm pretty good
    11.Bags-I take joy in traveling
    We post 11 things as opposed to 10 to maybe pique the curiosity of readers, and do something out of the ordinary to place emphasis on creative thinking both within art history and outside of it.I could probably place the articles I view as most significant beside my self portrait later on, while putting the less important objects behind me to display that they continue to retain some relevance in my life.

    1. I agree that Durer probably believed that in order to obtain a perfect depiction of an object, it has to be properly arranged. However, in addition to this, the object has to also be properly contrasted with another. This juxtaposition will emphasize the traits and meanings of one object versus those of another. Therefore if an object is more superior than the other, that superiority will be further highlighted, therefore contributing to a perfect depiction of that object. I also agree that in order to further incorporate the "14" and "15" of the magic square, he added additional numerals that add up to 34 when observed in a specific pattern. I feel as if the 14 and 15 had a significant meaning to him because it was the time when the engraving was made and is therefore a legitimate reason on its own, not solely because of the fact that it contributes to the sum of 34.
      The addition of an 11th item does serve to interest the viewer more, however (as stated by the article), it helps keep the viewer more engaged and allows them to view the entire composition because the mind isn't automatically grouping objects.

  2. After reading more about the objects in melancholia, I believe that Dürer used them especially to convey an idea close to perfection, since "only god knows true beauty". The magic square is especially a good example of this because it arranges numbers in a certain way so that an overall sense of unity and composition is achieved. This unity can be seen as a step towards perfection. The common sums of the numbers shows how the artist strived to connect everything in this print and to relate it to the overall theme. Since the magic square employs the use of mathematics, it helps highlight the contrast between tangible knowledge and imaginative creativity. This contrast in turn helps the artist achieve a sense of higher beauty, a sense of perfection yet also a sense of melancholy. Useful and thoughtful juxtapostion of the objects in the print contribute to perfectionism. The fact that symmetrical numbers add to 34 simply emphasizes Dürers decdication towards harmony. The sheer complexity of this magic square and the way it function continues to dazzle me and shows the intelligence of Dürer in the field of mathematics. Symbols found in my room that describe me are:
    1. My jewelry board- symbolizes how i like to dress up at times and that i pay attention to small details
    2. My purple stuffed bear- symbolizes how I treasure the care of those around me (it was a gift from my family)
    3. My silver bracelet- symbol for my religion, I am a religious person
    4. My sunglasses- I absolutely love the sun and the heat...the sun is literally the soul reason for my existence
    5. My watch- symbolizes my punctuality
    6. My calendar- symbolizes my organization skills
    7. My pillow- I absolutely love sleeping
    8. My johnny depp poster- symbolizes my absolute love of johnny depp :)
    9. My bangles- symbolizes my Indian culture that I'm proud of
    10. My headphones- I enjoy listening to any kind of music
    11. Pens- I hate using pencil on any worksheets. I enjoy how smooth a pen writes

    All of these objects that represent my likes can become symbols of these preferences and can also represent something deeper.

    There are eleven things and not ten because that way the human mind actually takes time to read it and move through the composition instead of automatically grouping things when there is an even number and overlooking minute details.

    1. I agree with your statement about Dürer trying to achieve perfection with his paintings. I believe perfection was very important to Dürer as an artist, so it does not surprise me that he would incorporate so many objects that supplement his "perfection". I also agree with the brilliance of Dürer's magic square. I too find it amazing how a painter from back then, was able to come up with a mathematical marvel, that society in the 21st century still find mesmerizing. The objects you chose to represent you are really creative and I think they fit you well. Your comment on the "rule of odds" is also accurate. It is true that the human mind groups things when looking at something, so therefore it would take longer for someone to take in a painting with odd numbers of objects.

  3. After reading more about the meanings of the objects, I believe that Durer is an artistic and mathematic genius. In his engraving Melancholia, he used many common objects to symbolize deeper meanings because he wanted to show his talent of creating perfect artwork. Although Jansen said that “He cannot achieve perfect beauty, which is known only to God, because he cannot extend his thinking beyond the limitations of space and the physical world,” I still think he created a perfect engraving artwork by his ingenious creativity. For example, the magic cube, which located on the top of the angel’s head, is not just a common 4x4 cube with random numbers in each blocks. Instead, there are some “tricks” in this cube. On the center of the bottom blocks, there is “15” and “14” on those blocks, which represented the time period that he created this engraving. Also, each of those pair of numbers which are symmetrical in the centre point of the square adds to half the sum (17) of the numbers in each row, column, and principle diagonal. Finally, I found that the numbers on the right corner ,excerpt “12”, shows the year that he was born (1471).
    Symbols found in my room that describe me are:
    1. Different subjects textbooks- symbolize I am a try hard
    2. Teddy bear- symbolizes I am childish sometimes.
    3. Watch- symbolizes my punctuality.
    4. Calculator-symbolizes I love math.
    5. Basketball- Basketball is my favorite sport.
    6. Three kingdoms kill card game- my favorite card game.
    7. Pillow- symbolizes sleeping is the best way for
    8. Calendar- symbolizes I am a well-organized person.
    9. Chinese translator- symbolizes I am a Chinese.
    10. Diablo 3 CD- symbolizes I love playing computer games.
    11. Birthday Celebration cards- symbolize how important my
    friends are to me.

    The reason there are 11 objects rather than 10 objects is it makes composition more dynamic,
    which catches more viewers’ attention. If I would create an engraving of those objects, I would put the most significant object at the foreground and least significant object on the background.

    1. I like how u exaplined the whole thing abour Durer. i agree with u 100 percent with everything. I like the 11 things that you said that symbolized you. I also like how you said " I would put the most significant object at the foreground and least significant object on the background." We have some things similar in our bedrooms. I couldnt agree more about how u said that there are 11 objects rather then 10 because it makes compostion more dynamic.

  4. After reading more in depth about the objects in melancholia, I believe that Durer used them in many ways. The magic sqauare is a good example because it shows the numbers in a unique way. I also belive that Durer is a math genius becase of the magic square. He knows how to do stuff with it. He used simple and common objects and went deeeper into it and also he wanted his work to be perfect. The way of the magic square enlighted me because he was very smart his intelligence in math was very good.

    Symbols found in my room:
    1) Rondo jersey- my favorite player in Nba
    2) My alarm clock- shows the meaning of time! Time is very important to me
    3)Trophies- Shows my hardwork and dedication(over 40 trophies)
    4)My laptop-relax or to do hw
    5)posters of cars- Dream cars and with hardwork u can get anything u want.
    6)my pillow-love to sleep
    7)Calendar- keep things on task
    8)ipod- i love music and it keeps me relaxed
    9)shoes(over 20 pairs)- I love shoes and there very stylish
    10)gel-i love my hair spiky
    11)xbox-when i get mad or something i play cod to release my frustration or to have fun.

    Those are some of the things in my room that i like.
    There are eleven things and not ten because there has to be an odd number. It makes composition more agressive,
    which catches more viewers’ attention. Having an odd number of things in a composition means your eye and brain can't pair them up or group them easily. There's some how always one thing left over, which keeps your eyes moving across the composition.

    1. I like your explanation of why an odd number can catch more viewer's attention than an even number, which I never thought before. Also, I agree with your opinion of Durer is a math genius because of the complex math square. It's tough for people to be good at both math and art because people need logical thinking for math, but imagination for art.

  5. After reading more about the Magic Square in Melancholia, I believe that Dürer's use of objects and the juxtaposition that Dürer incorporates into this piece is for him to depict "perfection". It is verified that Dürer was a mathematical genius and also a creative genius, so it is not a surprise that he was able to come up with the clever Magic Square. I can't say if it is due to his amazing abilities in math or if it is just coincidence, but the 15 and 14 next to one another is incredible. There are only a handful of numbers that fit the requirement to be able to create a Magic Square, and Dürer's ability to incorporate one into his work makes this piece stand out, and also ties into the overall theme of unity and perfection. As described in the video, when you draw lines in the Magic Square, no matter how you draw them, as long as it is the same method, the pattern you end up with is symmetrical. Dürer not only found a way of putting in the date 1514, but he was able to show it in a way that any ordinary artist would not have been able to mimic. This shows Dürer's ability to tap into his "creative genius" and mathematical brilliance. I think all the viewpoints of possible ways to look at the piece have been discussed. Dr. Burdett talked about looking at the piece as each object contrasting with the others. This lets the reader see the big picture and notice how each object brings out certain characteristics of others. Many of my classmates talked about focusing on each object as an individual. Viewing objects by themselves allows the reader to analyse each object's placement and the reason as to why Dürer chose to put it there.

    As I look around my room, 11 objects that describe me are:
    1) Bible-motivated follower
    2) Textbooks- a hard working student
    3) Alarm Clock- balance of time
    4) Lamp- provides light when I need it whether its studying, reading, or just relaxing
    5) Bed- my piece of heaven, the only place I can kick back and chill after a long days work
    6) Headphones- music, an essential part of my life
    7) Golf ball- sports, a great way for me and my friends to get together, and also its just amusing to watch
    8) Calendar- management of my life, making sure I get the most out of everyday
    9) Mirror- got to look good :)
    10) Shot Glasses- I buy one whenever I travel around, so its just a fun way of remembering where I've been and my love of traveling.
    11) Phone- Staying connected with the world, and keeping in touch with friends. You never know what could happen. Keep opportunities open.

    People usually incorporate 11 items instead of the usual 10 because by incorporating 11 objects into the composition, it makes the piece more dynamic. Having an odd number of items in a composition prevents your brain from grouping them in pairs therefore you are forced to keep your eyes moving while looking at the composition. Eleven objects keeps the viewer's attention more, and they spend more time looking at the composition, which as an artist, you would want!

    1. Your insight about looking at the big picture really wraps up the piece into one meaning. As well as that, your symbolic objects provides knowledge of who you really are, behind the apparent facts of: you are Asian, male, and tall. The reflection upon 11, instead of 10 does come down to what the artist wants: attention. However complex a piece may seem, there is always a purpose, a meaning, and a creative mind behind it all.

  6. Durer conveyed symbolism that would result in higher degree of thinking; the placement of such items would further instigate meaning towards perfection. The magic square at first, may seem random, but with further investigation, is purposed for symmetrical patterns where a pair at the center is half of it's following diagonal, row, or column. This may represent chaos in the world that still finds order amongst it all. Yet again, this is an example of juxtaposition, in which two polar opposites side-to-side reveal a connection between the two. While symbolism is the subject of the work, I wonder how other components could affect the piece. Such as, the impact of the medium. Hues of black, gray, and white, hide the objects well, reflects the melancholy mood, and tones down the composition. Could it be that this contrast was well thought out, or was this technique the strongest way to portray detail in symbols? With this thought, one can see the complexities surfacing from the piece.
    Objects that represent myself:
    1. Dozens of photos: Memories forever cherished; nostalgia
    2. Textbooks: Seek for knowledge
    3. Frame with silhouettes: Everpresence of arts (music, dance, drawing) in my life, alike shadows attached to everything
    4. Bobby pins: Losing things that seem insignificant, yet they hold things together
    5. Drill team boot: Precision, determination in everything I try
    6. Mod podge: temporary permanence or stability; taking nothing for granted
    7. Mirror: self-reflection
    8. Laptop: source of procrastination
    9. Small treasure box: secrets, goals, wishes
    10. Piling papers: overwhelming times
    11. Candle: warmth; everything good in life
    After reading the Rule of Odds, it does make sense that an odd one out will attract attention and keep the viewer's eye moving. "Odd" in another sense does mean peculiar, so an odd number will result would result with one stranded from the others. Since the human brain will automatically sort out the situation, the manipulation of art works to include an odd number of items instead of even is the sort of technique that attracts attention. In the end, it always comes down to one thing to make a difference.

    1. I liked how you commented about the orderly placements even through chaos. Also, I liked how you referred to the hues of black, gray,and white to reflect this composition. I believe that this was just a technique to present a powerful detail in symbols.

  7. The idea of meanings of each individual objects really got me to ponder about the order and placement of reality. I believe that each elements or objects has its individual function and even through chaos and corruption, it's able to sustain its natural order. The way that Durer represents this conception through numbers definitely gives a proper, succinct evidence that really presents it in a aesthetic way. The juxtaposition of the items may have been something I can't fully grasp to, but Durer may have purposely put them together has a unity rather.
    1. bible: the object that gave me a purpose in life.
    2. art portfolio: driven object that makes me work harder everyday
    3. cross: a reminder of who I am
    4. children's book: nostalgia
    5. iphone: my life
    6. birthday cards: people who truly love me for who I am
    7. QT (quiet time): peace; something I do daily to seek for peace
    8. sticky notes: manages my time and what I need to do on that day
    9. earphones: reminder of how much I love music
    10. scrapbooks: nostalgia
    11. college brochures: my motivation
    All these items inevitably describe who I am and my interest. While these objects may come simple to the viewers, they are worth more than anything in my life that made me who I am now. These items tend to become more important as years go by as I develop and learn about myself. Ultimately, these items become a source of symbols that holds a dear, meaningful treasures of mine.

    1. I like your analysis on the numbers. In fact, that is what makes math attractive for many people. It sustains its representative value, regardless of context. In this way, Durer juxtaposes its literal meaning with its symbolic meaning. Regardless of whether this is the 15th century or the 21st, we will still understand the significance of "1514" as a numerical value. However, our perception of the symbolism - Durer having numbers in the art itself - changes.

  8. One of my problems is that I do have many analyses floating around, but they do not form coherently. Thanks to the articles that I have read, however, I am able to agree with the fact that there is a juxtaposition of hope and despair in this piece of art. There is not much that I would disagree on. The values of light and dark themselves serve to support this theory. Everything is highly symbolic, and Durer had no intention to replicate anything literally in meaning. Although symbols try to represent something else, there is no denying the complexity that Durer creates. Everything is sinister and fitting to Melancholia's mood.

    1) Crystal glass - seen through many faucets of my personality, and no one ever gets the complete version of who I am.

    2) iPod earbuds - I am fully aware of my own biases because living my life forces me to acknowledge them.

    3) Orange juice - Sometimes listening to me can be good for you, but my words will still be mixed with a lot of pulp that nobody likes

    4) Keyboard - I am actually relatively easy to understand as long as you practice and have patience

    5) AcDec practice cards - Sometimes I practice things without knowing my specific aims

    6) Tilted crates with books in them - Pragmatism - I don't often see the need to use things for their usual purpose when they can serve another function as well

    7) Ceiling fan with only two lights in them - I am rather conservative in my lifestyle - I don't see the need to waste four bulbs when two perform just fine

    8) Window locks that aren't pushed in - I assume security even when there isn't necessarily any

    9) Tangled wires beneath my computer - I don't think that I need to figure out my daily living as long as everything still functions

    10) Large ornate clock - I can be as pompous as I like, but in the end, all that matters is my own capabilities.

    11) Large rug - My presence isn't always readily acknowledged, but it's only when I am removed from the scene that people realize that they have cold feet.

    Odd numbers is more aesthetically pleasing to the eye - that is why a composition in threes is generally favored over fours. I didn't pick any objects that held personal significance to me because I feel that even the most mundane things can say something about a subject. It's not necessarily the most expensive or the most personalized things.

    1. I agree with you in that articles helped to clear up your ideas as they helped me to straighten some of my ideas as well.
      It is really insightful how you mentioned that large rug represents you in that without it, people will start to notice its importance. Also, I like the fact that you pick out the mundane objects rather than something that holds a personal meaning. Now, you have attributed meaning to them, no longer will they be the most mundame things.

  9. After reading about the symboism in the work of art, I view the meaning of the symbols the same way. What changed was my view on the composition, I didn't notice the placement also had symbolism. I only payed attention to the objects and not how lighting was placed or how objects were placed.
    1) Piano trophies- hard working, persistent learner
    2) Xbox- easily entertained
    3) Vietnamese flag- shows my cultural background
    4) papers on the ground- I am not as organized as I'm supposed to be
    5) painting of Buddha- shows that I am Buddhist
    6) laptop- sources for studying, shows I rely on technology to learn

    7) earbuds- show that I prefer to stay by myself, sort of anti-social
    8) New York license plate- shows that I am a proud new yorker
    9) clock- shows I try to keep track of my time and I pay attention to my schedule
    10) sketchbook- i enjoy drawing and shows how I waste my time
    11) fish tank- shows another way how i waste my time, and shows my interests

  10. Durer's use of symbolism in his paintings shows his abundant knowledge. He was not just an artist, but he also was a "creative genius", who showed interest in various field including mathematics, which is completely different from the art during his time.
    I interpreted rainbow as further representation of his smartness. Different colors in the rainbow symbolize his variety of interests in other fields of study other than just one specific study. Also, seven-runged ladder shows his use of number seven, again. Frequent appearnace of the same number implies that his favorite number was seven.
    1.Phones- I love texting, and is heavily dependent on technological diveices.
    2.Labtop- My favorite hobby is to get on the internet.
    3.Bed- I love to sleep.
    4.Clock- Time manangement is critical.
    5.Whiteboard- Like to organize things.
    6.Post its - Love taking notes for myself.
    7.Plant- loves to water plants and grow things.
    8.Motivational poster- Loves motivational sayings.
    9.Picture of my friends in Korea- nostalgia
    10.Teddy Bear- It is cozy and provides comfort.
    11.Granola Bars- loves to eat.
    Inevitably, things in my room show who I am and what I like. They are there for reason. Also, as time passes, they hold more meaning and become more valuable for myself.
    I guess our tendency to pair up things cause even number of items to be more overlooked. So, by intentionally having odd number of objects, artists are wanting the audience to pay closer attention to their artpiece.

  11. My extra insight received from reading this was that Durer really thought his artwork out thoroughly. He organized everything so that everything meant exactly everything he wanted to mean. His goal was perfection and so he paid extra care so that his message is impeccably delivered.

    1.sea shells: my efforts in life that took me through turbulent times of my life.
    2.door to my art room: my portal to self expression
    3.books: the library o knowledge in my brain
    4. scarf: sense of protection/ comfort
    5. shoes: all the places I'll go
    6. cell-phone: distraction
    7. Pride and Prejudice: my endless source of inspiration
    8. watch: reminder that time is ticking
    9. college apps: stress
    10. Homework: more stress
    11. dog: happiness

  12. I believe Durer purposely created all the symbolism and arranged everything to show his perfection. The Magic Square Durer created, I think he may have intended to put 15 and 14 togther since that was the year he created the Melancholia. Then I believe to that he decided to add the mathematical allusion to be creative with his artistic value. Also according to the symmetrical system he had thought of number to all equal 34.
    Thing in my room that would symbolize me would be: my books that allow me to escape from the world, my dog who is loyal, my music which is a distraction, my pictures because I love to think of the memories, and my sketchbook because drawing helps me relax and slow down.

  13. After reading more about the meanings of the objects in Dürer’s work, I realized that every object has much more purpose and depth than it appears. To an ordinary viewer, the objects may seem somewhat random, or seem to have no clear purpose. In reality, Dürer has embedded a deeper meaning to each object that requires close attention-to-detail. For example, the ladder seems to randomly protrude near the center of the work. But, if the viewer looks closely, there are seven rungs to the ladder that represent “the seven metals, the operations of alchemy, and the associated heavenly bodies.” It is not just any simple ladder but a complex alchemical symbol. The tribute to alchemy also gives the work another dimension by adding a sense of mystery and mystification/magic. In the work, each object in itself represents the joining of the world of mathematics with the world of creativity that the work as a whole also embodies. Every object is placed carefully and its meaning developed as to add to the depth to the meaning of the work. Thus, with close examination of each object, we as viewers can see how the individual objects are mended together to illuminate the overall meaning of the artwork. There is nothing that I would interpret differently so far that has not been discussed by any of the authors.
    11 Things that Symbolize/Describe Me:
    1) Pictures of my family-Represents my love for my family and how much I value their company.
    2) Sketchbook-Represents how I always find time to make some sketches and de-stress.
    3) Eraser-Symbolizes the many mistakes I make but also how make changes and move on.
    4)Phone-What keeps me connected to the outside world when I am in my room.
    5) Post-it Notes everywhere-Represents my forgetfulness. I have to write things down or I will forget them.
    6) Planner-Symbolizes my organization and my time management. I have to see everything planned out.
    7) Purse-Symbolizes my life outside of school.
    8) Colorful pens-Symbolizes my spontaneity and many moods when I am at home.
    9) Textbook-Represents how much school surrounds my life at this point.
    10) Photobook-Represents my past and all of the memories I have.
    11) Magazines-Symbolizes my interest in a lot of things from celebrities to health and sometimes even the economy (pretty rare).

    The list has 11 things and not 10 things instead because according to the Rule of Odds, having an odd number in a composition makes it much more dynamic—so that your brain cannot automatically group them easily and so your eyes keep moving across the composition.

    1. I deeply enjoyed your analysis because the way you explained your ideas was very eloquent. I also agree about the effect that symbols can have on an artwork as a whole and also thought of the same things when you mentioned the symbol of a ladder. I'd also like to add that the emotions of the artist are also reflect into the symbols that he uses. I agree totally with what you think the purpose and the effects of the symbols are as a whole. Lastly, It was interesting to see the objects you use to describe yourself. I found them to be very telling of the kind of person you are.

    2. I liked how you commented on the ladder and the mystical element that alchemy brings to Durer's artwork. I believe also that the symbols emphasize Durer's message and add complexity to the art. Your objects are also interesting, especially the symbolism behind the eraser representing your mistakes. Also, I like how the colorful pens convey your spontaneity. I find the fact that 11 objects is a lot more interesting and dynamic than 10 objects to be quite clever and important in the construction of artwork.

  14. o I differently understand the concept of perfectionist beauty after additional reading. Additionally, I learned about how important even the smallest details are. Initially, I though many of these symbols were just random choices that added no meaning to the work. In actuality, all symbols represent something and all the symbols combine together to show an overall theme of the work. One example of this is the magic square. Initially, I thought it was just some random but after reading the analysis the importance of all of the numbers and their placement in relationship with the other figures and ho all of this combines to direct the theme of diving intervention in the work as a whole. Additionally, the magic square helps to show the usage of mathematics and engineering that can be utilized to convey a message in the artistic world. It helps highlight the contrast between knowledge, creativity and religion and all of these things are important to other overall composition of the work. Lastly, I understand that all of these things serve to create the idea of perfectionist beauty. It is realistic but the utilization of symbols allow the piece to become more than just a representation of figures but enables the piece to become a conveyer of human thought and emotion and gives it the ability to catalyze emotional response in the viewer of the work. All of these things really surprised and increases my overall appreciation and understanding of the work.

    o 1.Textbooks - My desires to become an enlightened individual and the effort I am willing to put into improving myself.
    o 2.Fax machine - My love of historical antiquities and my desire to learn as much as possible about the past.
    o 3. Family photo's - The love I have for my family and the strong bond I have with them.
    o 4. Laptop - My method for entertainment and representative of the various things I gain entertainment from
    o 5. Phone - My way of connecting with those that matter to me and the method I use to maintain strong relationships with others.
    o 6. Bookshelf - My desire to gain as much knowledge as possible and my source of entertainment.
    o 7. Notepad - The way I record the things going on in my life and the thing that enables my life to be in balance.
    o 8. Sauntering gun - The love I have for electronics and the skill I have in manipulation of them.
    o 9. ACDEC Medals - The hard work I am willing towards something I love and the dedication and love I have for learning.
    o 10. Clock - The way I keep track of my life and the object that dictates the way I live my life.
    o 11. CD's - The various types of music I enjoy and the type of messages that are conveyed to me through music.

  15. I like that you learned how important even the smallest details are. I agree with you in that before I thought many of the symbols were simply random choices that really did not have much meaning. Then, after learning a little more about the meanings of each symbol, I realized too that the symbols actually have a lot of significance both on their own and together in the piece. It is like a puzzle; each symbol makes a contribution and in turn the work comes together and possesses so much more meaning, at least after one has taken time to look deeper into each symbol. It really does, like you said, increase the viewer's overall appreciation and understanding of the work. I also like how the fax machine represents your love of "historical antiquities" :P

  16. I think that Durer used simple objects to symbolize complex ideas with a deeper meaning than initial thought. This shows how Durer really stretches traditional thinking and is able to convey all these ideas and aspects in his artwork. The symbols of alchemy and the rainbow and ladder were interesting symbols that I would not have recognized. The rainbow is an alchemist’s favorite symbol and the ladder represents the seven elements in alchemy with the seven rungs. In addition to alchemy, math, and art, carpentry is also depicted with the hammer. So, melancholia is prevalent in various occupations and consumes a role for many kinds of artists.
    In the article, the author makes an interpretation that the figure of Melancholy is brooding or sad. But, when I interpreted it, I understood that the figure was deep in thought and staring into space, rather than sad.
    My symbols:
    1.Cross Country Shoes- show persistence, hard work, and determination
    2. Polaroid photos- represent art as photography and my values for friends and family
    3. Pens/Pencils- convey my love of writing and hard work in school
    4. White Furniture- simple color, classy feeling
    5. Headphones- show my love of music
    6. Journal- represent my introverted nature and record-keeping habit
    7. Water Bottle- self-nourishment and care
    8. Yoga Mat- represent exercise, physical personal well being
    9. Paper Trays- organization, neatness
    10. Multiple Quilts- comfort,represent a homebody
    11. Computer- technology

    1. I find your analysis of the meanings of Durer's objects very interesting. Your insight into the alchemist and the rainbow is also quite unique. Also, the objects you list and describe seem to hold much value to you. We even have a couple objects in common!

  17. I think that learning about the magic square as a talisman to attract Jupiter adds a sense of mysticism to the work as a whole. Also, it symbolizes the orderliness of numbers. This causes the viewer to further idealize the work, as the perfection of the magic square makes the work itself seem as if perfect. The authors further deepened my knowledge of Dürer's symbols and their meanings, and as a result led me to appreciate his work even more. According to the Rule of Odds, odd numbers are much more dynamic than even numbers; this is why Dürer may have used eleven symbols instead of ten.

    1. Family Portraits: My love for my family.
    2. Dance Bells: My commitment to Kuchipudi (Classical Dance) for nine years.
    3. Indian Clothing: My ties to my culture and heritage.
    4. Phone: My connection to my friends and the world.
    5. Books: My dedication to obtaining new knowledge.
    6. Clay: My artistic endeavors through ceramics.
    7. Laptop: My mechanism of completing homework assignments and research.
    8. Nail Polish: My hobby of painting my nails.
    9. Camera: My means of taking pictures and appreciating snapshots of nature.
    10. Headphones: My fascination with various types of music
    11. Folders: My means of organization.

    1. I agree with you about the mysticism of Durer's work. He purposefully used many objects that represent mythology and I find that very interesting. When you learn about the meaning of the objects, you're able to better understand the piece as a whole as well as understand the importance of each object.

    2. I found your comment to be really insightful. I too was fascinated by Durer's use of the magic square and how it symbolizes perfection. I feel in order to fully appreciate Durer's artwork, we really have to take the time to look at the details he uses. I also agree with you that odd numbers are much more dynamic. I think Durer was aware of this when he made his painting as he wanted the viewer to see all his objects.

  18. I believe that Durer's continued symbolism of alchemy adds to the print's intrigue. I didn't realize that so many things alluded to the art. I believe that Durer's symbolism was very creative and unique and his skill is evident throughout his work. I was also interested to discover how many objects related to Greek or Roman mythology. I think that the rainbow was meant as a symbol of hope not simply as a presentation of colors.

    1. Bookcase: represents my love of reading
    2.Movies: represents my love of stories
    3. iHome: represents my love of listening to music
    4. Bed: represents my love of sleeping in
    5. Photos of friends: represents my close relationship with my friends
    6. Cross: represents my Christianity
    7.Sweater:represents my love of cold weather
    8. Wallet: represents my love of shopping
    9. Christmas tree: represents my love for the holiday
    10. Curtains: represents how I find darkness (night) calming
    11. Computer: symbolizes the connections I have access to
    We use 11 objects because we can't pair them up and it causes our eyes to continue to move all over the composition.

    1. It's quite overwhelming to consider that every element we observe has a unique purpose. I agree with you about the rainbow. The hope it brings is distinct from the melancholy surrounding it in Durer's piece. It is an element that has become quite embedded within our modern culture. Every child has drawn a rainbow at some point in their lives.

    2. I don't think everything has a unique purpose, some things just happen.

  19. Only the original artist knows the true intent of very element included, so analysis and interpretation is never truly complete. After reading about the symbolism of the objects, it becomes evident that more details are noticed with time and scrutiny. I would personally look more at the big picture rather than the tiny details. Even amongst the chaos, there is a sense of balance that captivates the viewer. Perhaps, the contrast of objects, the fact that everything has an equal and opposite partner, brings this sense of harmony. Even in the women depicted, her feminine face is distinct from the more masculine build of her body. Following the rule of odds is an innovative way to keep the viewer engaged by preventing the grouping of elements.

    1. Phone: a source of communication, represents connectedness
    2. Homework: obligations of school, education
    3. Calendar: brings a sense of organization and structure to my life
    4. Bible: my faith as a Christian, source of hope and wisdom
    5. Stuffed animals: retain a sense of childhood and comfort
    6. Jewelry Rack: representative of Indian culture
    7. Posters: add life and color to my room
    8. Laptop: signifies the limitless possibilities of knowledge
    9. Ipod: music is a form of stress relief for me, relaxation
    10. Tennis racket: representative of my commitment to fitness
    11. Pillow: safety blanket, comfort

    1. It is interesting that you say only the artist knows. Sometimes, could the artist themself not know either? I feel like our own genius as humans sometimes goes unnoticed by our conscience. I think thats amazing.

  20. After reading more about the meaning of the objects, I have a much greater appreciation for the artwork. I was surprised by the amount of thought Durer put into his work. For example, the magic square, while it may seem out of place, actually represents order. Any pair of entries symmetrical to the center add up to 17, which helps to emphasize balance. Thus, Durer was able to add order into his chaotic painting, which shows the brilliance and ingenuity of Durer’s artwork. One thing that I interpreted differently was the rainbow in the background. I had at first thought that it was actually an arch and represented the engineering achievements of man. However, the rainbow actually represents order as the colors in a rainbow always appear in a definite sequence, culminating in red.
    Things that symbolize me:
    1. Bed: symbolizes how I enjoy a good night’s rest
    2. Computer: symbolizes my love of technology
    3. Books: symbolizes my desire to learn more about the world
    4. Tennis racquet: symbolizes my love of tennis
    5. Golf clubs: symbolizes my love of golf
    6. Piano: symbolizes my love of music
    7. Trombone: symbolizes my love of music
    8. Pen: symbolizes my love of writing
    9. Phone: symbolizes how I stay connected with the world
    10. Wii: symbolizes my love of playing games and relaxing
    11. Homework: symbolizes the stress in my life
    I posted 11 things instead of 10 as by using an odd number, the brain is kept guessing. The brain likes to process things in pairs. However, when it encounters an odd number of items, it forces the eyes to keep scanning and looking, which makes your work much more interesting to the viewer.

    1. I think your different interpretation of rainbow is very reasonable. I thought pretty much in same way because there was prospering in architecture and also in engineer for that time period.

  21. After reading the additional post, I more deeply got into the Durer’s Art. Also the magic square was full of delight that makes me read and examine along the picture to figure out the combination by myself. Then I project myself into Durer, thinking how that creativity of print and the mathematical application combined to be one piece of art. I was interested in Bell in the print. It might represent something else rather than eternity; I thought it was symbolizing refreshing Melancholy with its clear sound.
    Things that symbolize me,
    Canvas: symbolizes my passion toward Art
    Headphone: symbolizes how much I like music
    DVDs: symbolizes how much I like movies
    Lego: symbolizes how much I like toys
    Sketchbook: enjoyment of drawing
    Bag: means I am a student
    Smartphone: my social network
    Guitar: symbolizes I like to play a instrument
    Photo Album: Nostalgia
    Bed: symbolizes how much I like sleeping
    Pallet: symbolizes how much I like painting

  22. After reading, I can relate to his thought process, and I think he sees the beauty that can come when creativity and math join together.

    Bed: A symbol of my only consistent source of relaxation
    My dirty fish tank: Symbolizes how I forget stuff
    headphones: likes music
    Computer: likes internet
    Microwave: likes food
    Cup: likes water
    Lungs: Likes to breath
    Clock: I stay up too late
    Closet full of old speakers, 16mm projectors, 35mm cameras, record players, speakers, to symbolize love of resale/$$$$
    Tv: I like to watch tv
    Netflix: movies are cool

    11 because odd numbers attract more.

  23. I do believe Durer's magic square was used to intrigue viewers. His symbolism and use of horror vaki created a world of wonder and new ideas.

    I am posting 11 objects because it is better to have an odd number of objects for composition. :)
    Things in my room and around my house that embody myself.
    1)record player:love of music, turns round and round and ends, beginning and ending of parts of life and life itself. a new song a new day
    2)lungs:a reminder of self destruction, smoking is bad
    3)dried flowers:memories
    4)piano:I don't know how to play, but that would be nice, symbolizes my wants in life and also confusion.
    5)A Flame: my love of love, my fear of dissolution and destruction, i love warmth and closeness.
    6) A Cat:I am curious and sleep is nice
    7)Drum sticks:my want and need of creation, my anger and frustration
    8)ink: is beautiful and great to use but can stain and ruin great creations, accidents happen.
    9)antique mirror:a look into the past and into myself.
    10)vase:my body, keeping everything together, holding my thoughts and feelings
    11)Tea:relaxation and meditation need to be more apparent in my life.

  24. Durer's magic square is amazing! I have no idea how someone could have the brilliance to come up with an idea like that, but it clearly shows his ingenuity and intelligence.

    Things in my room that symbolize me:
    1. Art portfolios: show how i'm growing as an artist in skill and also in my perspective of art and attitude towards artist subjects
    2. Heavy schoolbag: I try to fit as much as possible in my bag as a way to ensure I don't forget anything & I like to be prepared
    3. Vintage photo collage: my fascination with people's lives and how they live it, especially those of the past
    4. records: my love of old music and the tangible experience of playing a record!
    5.stacks of fashion magazines: my love of fashion and documenting it
    6. bottle cap collection: i love collecting small items even since i was a kid
    7. Caution tape & road reflection found on a trail: represent my hoarder mentality and love for collection items which represent a memory
    8. Christmas fairy lights: i affiliate christmas as a happy time with family so why not create an environment which always feels like that!
    9. Mood Board: I change this out about every season, i put different magazine cutouts of fashion type pictures i like and which might inspire me
    10. Native American velvet painting: my sister left it and it always reminds me of her, I have grown to love this painting and I named the Indian warrior in the picture Brian :)
    11. Atlas: represent my love of travel and interest in global cultures and landscapes

  25. Durer's piece definitely utilizes symbols and their power to the fullest extent in this piece, and reading on the interpretations of these symbols does give me some insight into Durer's constant pursuit of perfection as a renaissance man, but there is always the possibility that these interpretations aren't representative of his intended meaning, which is always a scary thought. In any case, Durer's symbols have complexity that is rarely ever achieved by any artist, renaissance or not, and this is an accomplishment in and of itself.

    A few things that represent me that are present in my room:
    1. Stuffed animal and talking chef bear: I had received many of these for birthdays and festivities early in my life, and they keep me grounded in my childhood, so that I never forget my humble beginnings.
    2. Music Stand: In my free time, I enjoy playing music, and this allows me to examine compositions which are a big part of my life
    3. Saxophone: Probably my favorite instrument, I play it from time to time as it allows me to relax for a bit
    4. Guitar: The instrument I practice with the most, it also helps me relax, Heavily used in my free time. These two instruments demonstrate my love of music.
    5. Shofar: I had received this for my Bar Mitzvah and it has been treasured ever since, it is a Ram's horn that is used for Shabbos ceremonies. It represents my Jewish heritage
    6. Old license plate: I hang it on my wall, it was from my first car which was totaled. Essentially just nostalgic value in that it helps me remember my beginnings.
    7. Suits: I go on debate tournaments where I have to dress up, they are very fun and help me build up professional skills.
    8. Tickets: I keep my concert tickets for memories, which represent good times
    9. Lamp: Keeps my room lit up, represents my safe haven
    10. Watches: I have received watches as gifts from my family members, they symbolize my love of style.
    11. My Binder: Keep all of my school work in it, I never leave the house without it, essentially the love of my life.

    1. I appreciate how you took into consideration the concept that what we perceive his work to mean may not necessarily be what he intended to portray. Also, I agree with your idea of his pursuit of perfection.

  26. Upon reading more about the symbolism of the objects Durer used, I have a better appreciation for his work and creativity. Especially in his magic square, I can tell that he was extremely passionate for his work and was very intelligent in incorporating symbolic meaning seamlessly into his piece. His inclusion of mathematical problems into his work to accentuate the meaning is astounding.

    Things that symbolize me:
    1. Traditional Korean fan - this represents my culture that I inherited from my parents
    2. Computer - this represents my passion for technology and connection with the rest of the world
    3. Awards - these represent my many achievements throughout my lifetime and remind me that I can achieve more in the future
    4. Old books and papers - these represent my knack for holding onto memories and not wanting to forget my past
    5. Educational textbooks - these represent my work ethic and aspirations for success in the future
    6. Giant purple pillow - this represents my love for comfort
    7. Origami objects (given to me) - these represent the relationships I maintain with my friends
    8. Movie poster - this represents my love for cinematography
    9. Headphones/earbuds - these represent my love for music
    10. Formal clothes - these represent my involvement in extracurricular activities (mine involve requirement of formal attire)
    11. Childish colors/design of my room - this represents my retention of childishness as I get older; I don't want to grow up

    1. I like how you specified by talking about the magic square and its mathematical usage to show that he was trying to seamlessly incorporate symbolic meaning into his peace.

  27. Durer’s incorporation of a magic square represents his personal sense of order and organization. His subtle way of including it in this work allows the audience to observe that his sense of emotional chaos trumps his mental order and stability. Ultimately, his attempt to truly represent l’uomo universale (the Renaissance man), can only be observed when looking through the lense of Durer’s personal complexities.

    Things that represent me:
    My Patrick Nagel prints (Swimmers 1990 and Blue Sweater 1992): These pieces of art represent my love of the 1980’s, as shown through one of the most influential artists of the 80s.
    My record player and records: They represent my love for music, specifically European pop and rock from the 80s, like Duran Duran, Billy Idol, Wham!, Foreigner, Tears for Fears, and more.
    My ISM display board and portfolio: These represent my dedication to my future career (of being a broadcast journalist/newscaster).
    My box set of Seinfeld: It represents my ability to step back and allow myself to take a break every once in awhile.
    My desk: It represents my sense of organization and devotion to succeeding academically.
    My letterman jacket: It represents accomplishment.
    My computer: It represents my connection to society through media and my ability to utilize technology in every way I can.
    My school binders and folders: They represent my day to day life of going to school in order to achieve an education and better myself academically.
    My bed: It shows my ability to relax.
    My clock: It represents order and productiveness in my life.
    My stuffed animals: They represent my childhood and past.

  28. Understanding the context of the symbolism really did emphasize how much of a creative genius he was. The amount of thought that went into each symbol was methodically thought out, which gave each object a even more symbolic importance. The magic square was definitely one of the objects Durer used that didn't quite click with me, however upon understanding its usage, truly shows the amount of meaning he put into his symbols.

    Things that Symbolize me:
    1) Computer - This represents my interest in technology as well as my "advantageous" tendency to waste countless hours on the computer.
    2) Clothes - Represents my interest in fashion
    3) Room - My room represents my simple lifestyle that isn't filled with chaotic drama or emotions.
    4) School Textbooks -Represents the countless nights I stayed up to do well in school.
    5) Guitar - Represents my way of letting time go by as I play music that I enjoy
    6) Headphones - Represents the love for music
    7) Food - Represents my HUGE interest in food and love of binge eating.
    8) Taekwondo uniform - Represents my culture and interest in martial arts
    9) Frog - My frog represents my interest in animals
    10) Phone - Represents the connections that I have made and maintained throughout my lifetime
    11) Nintendo - Shows the start of my interest in gaming

    1. I like your references to Durer being a creative genius and how he focused on the symbols, as Renaissance should be thought of as creative geniuses.

    2. Just like you, I had trouble initially trying to wrap my head around the magic square. I didn't get it at first but just by the looks of it I knew it had to have some sort of deeper meaning and when I found out what that deeper meaning was I was blown away.

  29. After reading about Durer’s use of symbolism, I know understand his intricate and influential thought process while he makes his paintings. In the magic square, it is quite evident how he prioritizes the use of symbolism in his piece. The things that symbolize me are:

    1.Computer: This represents my passion for video games and technology
    2. French Horn: This represents my striving passion for band and the musical arts.
    3.Soccer Trophies: This represents my love for sports, especially soccer.
    4.Quran: This represents my culture and love for my religion.
    5.Candle: This represents my love for pleasant smells.
    6.Pillow: This represents my love for comfort and sleeping.
    7.Homework: This represents my dedication for school and knowledge.
    8.Books: This represents my passion for reading, whether it be educational or for fun.
    9.My colorful fan: This represents my childhood as it has been around for years upon years.
    10. Water Jug: I had this every day during band practice and this represents one of the greatest times of my life because I love band and water.
    11.Nike Shoes: This represents my love for running outside and my support for Nike.

    1. I love the way that you interpreted the things around you into these symbols; especially the fact that you actually enjoy running, which I find very interesting as for me, it can be more of a hassle than a key aspect of my personality, haha.

    2. I agree that symbolism is a huge part of Durer's engraving as it's very intricate and in depth and definitely is a huge reason why this piece of art is so important.

    3. Your interpretations are quite understandable and relatable. They are also practical

    4. Your interpretations are quite understandable and relatable. They are also practical

    5. Your interpretations are quite understandable and relatable. They are also practical things which you do in your everyday life.

  30. What Durer was trying to emphasize symbolically through the magic square is that for an art to be as perfect as one wants it, it has to be arranged in a orderly fashion that conveys a certain meaning. He directly did that with the magic square. This allows us to know that artist don't go into a piece with no foresight; they often look at the mathematical proportions and symbolic interactions of the objects to give a sense of meaning.
    Things that represent me:
    1. My laptop: represents my interest in technology/Reddit browsing
    2. Binder: represents my school work and organizational skills.
    3. Bed: Represents relaxation to me
    4. Desk: represents my workplace
    5. Academic awards: Represents my accomplishments
    6: Twitch tv twitch chat- represents my hobbies and past time.
    7. Bookshelf- represents my (used to) love of reading
    8. Textbook- represents the classes i take and homework i have to do.
    9. Closet: represents the clothing i wear
    10. Drawer filled with toys: represents my childhood.
    11. Pictures on the wall: represents my childhood and my family.

    1. I like how you were able to understand Durer's symbolism by using your intricate, sophisticated abilities to comprehend the meaning behind his painting.

    2. I agree that artists analyze and think of every possibility and they look at all the symbolism and proportions before beginning a piece. Essentially hardly anything in art is random and it all was meticulously picked out and has some sort of meaning either to the author or the audience.

  31. I think that the depth of meaning that is found in something so simple as objects, as keys or boxes of numbers, is profound and endlessly interesting. I think that Durer was endlessly creative and interesting in his ability to find a way to use each individual piece of his work and embed the meaning of the piece towards the work as a whole. There was no part of the print that I wondered about outside of the ones that were explained--in fact, before reading all this, I thought I had some of the ones pictured figured out, until I realized that their meanings were much different than my initial impression.
    Eleven objects that describe me (11, and not 10!) would be:
    1) Books, for my deep craving for knowledge and storytelling ability.
    2) A clock, to remind me that we never have enough time.
    3) My bed, as my principle sin would be sloth.
    4) A lamp, to illuminate the darkness in my life.
    5) Glow-in-the-dark stars, because I am not quite as grown up as I might like to believe.
    6) A globe, for my burning love of travel.
    7) Birthday cards, for the friends that love and care about me.
    8) A window, as a gateway to the outside world that one can sometimes forget is there.
    9) My computer, a symbol of knowledge but also a symbol of distraction.
    10) Gel pens, for the means to create and discover.
    11) A medal, for my need to win in all aspects of what I do.

    1. I agree with you on the fact that really simple objects could have really deep meanings associated with them. When I first looked at the print, I was confused as to how everything fir in. After reading about the meanings hidden in the objects, I was able to better understand Durer's work. I agree that Durer was very creative and an intelligent person.

  32. I was really intrigued by the magic square because of how Dürer was able to incorporate his initials and the year into his magic square.
    Some things that define me are:
    1) My trees in my backyard, because they have gone through rain and shine
    2) My computer, my greatest distraction and device that helps me work best too
    3) My stuffed animals, because they show exactly how mature I am.
    4) my lights, because I can be blind to the truth and see the truth clearly too
    5) My medals, as a symbol of my pride
    6) My headphones, because they show my love for music
    7) My pens, because they show my creativity
    8) My fingers, because I could always count on them
    9) My arms, for always being by my side
    10) My legs, for supporting me
    11) 8, 9, and 10,because of my irony and eye for good quotes;)

  33. After reading more about the Durer's symbolism, I realized that Durer is a genius in his use of symbols and that in his art and particularly this piece he doesn't do anything that doesn't have further or deeper meaning that what is seen on the surface level. I interpret the board differently. As Jansen said there is a beauty that only God can see and because the symmetry is hidden from the piece I think the symmetry although it takes a while to see and find shows the beauty in life that may only be visible to God which is again shown by the fact that they symmetry and other attributes of the board can only be seen through very close examination.
    Furthermore, 11 objects that symbolize me include;
    1. My pencils which show the school aspect of me
    2. My headphones which symbolize my love for music
    3. My basketball, showing how I play basketball
    4. My shoes which show my interest in fashion
    5. My computer and desk which shows where I do most of my homework
    6. My PS3 symbolizing my love for video games since a child
    7. My phone- aka my biggest distraction in getting any work done
    8. My money which symbolizes my job and working to get the money
    9. Surf City punch card which shows my love for food and eating out with friends
    10. Clock which symbolizes my bad time management skills
    11. Kleenex box which shows how I get sick often during the winter season
    The reason we used 11 symbols and not ten symbols is because with the use of an odd number our eyes tend to jump around the composition and not group things together and move in a uniform manner.

  34. I think I would have interpreted the magic square in an entirely different way. When you take a closer look at the magic square, you see that numbers that are doubled are really close to the products when multiplied by two. Also I would have interpreted the bat as lack of sleep caused by melancholia or depression.

    Pen: I am able to use my voice, in writing or in speaking to influence thoughts and change
    Vinyl: Timeless values that are part of my personality
    Books: The drive for more knowledge and aptitude
    Plane: Endless possibilities and success
    Sponge: ability to absorb knowledge and information
    Umbrellas: Perseverance
    Spring: Resonance and hard work
    Cuff Links: Friendships and Networks
    Lamp: Ability to inspire others
    Awards: Pursuit of perfection
    Wallet: Saving for the rainy da

  35. What thoughts or insights do you have after reading more about the meanings of the objects? Is there anything you would interpret differently that has not been discussed by any of the authors?

    I don't entirely believe that alchemy had any real involvement in the iconography here. I think the stone simply refers to Saturn(the stones Kronos swallowed) and is just another defining element of the theme.

    Think about what symbolizes you. Look for clues around your room -- sports equipment, musical instruments, books, music, electronics, colors, etc. -- and make a list of eleven things that are a part of you or what you stand for. Post this list in your blog dialog. How could you associate these items with yourself and develop them into meaningful symbols?

    -Map: Exploration/Full Understanding
    -Notebook: Importance of Records
    -Bookshelf: Importance of Remembering
    -Whiteboard: Communicating Ideas/Brainstorming
    -Snow-globes: Thinking from a different perspective
    -Sketchbooks: Importance of premeditation
    -Piggy-Bank: Saving wealth
    -Dresser: Repeating the good elements of the past
    -Mirror: Self-reflection
    -Camera Tripod: Importance of hard work

  36. What thoughts or insights do you have after reading more about the meanings of the objects? Is there anything you would interpret differently that has not been discussed by any of the authors?

    I don't entirely believe that alchemy had any real involvement in the iconography here. I think the stone simply refers to Saturn(the stones Kronos swallowed) and is just another defining element of the theme.

    Think about what symbolizes you. Look for clues around your room -- sports equipment, musical instruments, books, music, electronics, colors, etc. -- and make a list of eleven things that are a part of you or what you stand for. Post this list in your blog dialog. How could you associate these items with yourself and develop them into meaningful symbols?

    -Map: Exploration/Full Understanding
    -Notebook: Importance of Records
    -Bookshelf: Importance of Remembering
    -Whiteboard: Communicating Ideas/Brainstorming
    -Snow-globes: Thinking from a different perspective
    -Sketchbooks: Importance of premeditation
    -Piggy-Bank: Saving wealth
    -Dresser: Repeating the good elements of the past
    -Mirror: Self-reflection
    -Camera Tripod: Importance of hard work

  37. When I first looked at Durer's print, I did not think that several of these objects had any meaning associated with them. The fact that the magic square hold so much information is rally interesting and show the creative and intelligent side of Durer. To put a lot of thought in it and turn a magic square to a source of great information is amazing. After reading about the meanings of the objects in his print, I am able to have a better understanding of his artwork.
    Some of the things that represent me are:
    1. Books- My love for reading and growing intellectually.
    2. Taekwondo Belts- Courtesy Integrity, Perseverance, Self-control, and Indomitable Spirit.
    3. Crown- The time when I got over the fear of public speaking.
    4. Camera-roll frame- Importance of being Sociable.
    5. Pen- Ability to write my own story.
    6. Jazz shoes- Passion for dance.
    7. Map of Nepal- My heritage and motherland.
    8. Awards- Accomplishments, motivation
    9. Laptop- Social-networks
    10. Stuffed animal- Importance of being happy
    11. Backpack- Importance of Education for success.
